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The Activated


“Embody your divinity, harness your power, and embrace the life you are meant to live.  Making your TRUE impact as a leader in this world."

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Welcome Powerful Woman

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to the Activated Alchemist.

Before you dive deeply into the content, I have an important question for you….

Are you willing to radically expand your view and perception of yourself FOREVER? So you can allow in limitless trust, undeniable self-worth, & impactful purpose—and in doing so, shift your entire life? Rising into your TRUE purpose and creating waves of impact in the process?

I invite you to respond with a deep and fully embodied,
‘YES!’ Because that vow will change your entire life, right here and right now.

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I now allow myself to expand my soul and life with love, grace, and complete trust. I am now open to understand and know myself on a deeper level than ever before and step fully into this knowing.

my body temple, my expansive heart, my limitless mind,
and my everlasting spirit.
I am awakened, activated, and deeply abundant.
I am grateful.
I am alchemizing NOW.

Aho. And so it is...


For The Woman Who...

Knows she was made for more. She is powerful, knows her worth and is committed to becoming who she is meant to be. 

Is ready to elevate to the next-level in every way imaginable. For herself. Her family. Her ancestral line. 

Is awakened and on her journey, ready to learn more skills and tools for her expansion.

Is courageous enough to dig a little deeper to excavate any pieces of herself that are still hiding in shadow.

Is ready for the impact, income, intimacy, and influence she was born for.

Is heart centered, living from a place of love, overflow, and connection.

Understands that when her expansive knowledge is combined with her intuition and self belief that she is UNSTOPPABLE.

Is wealthy and recognizes that all big dreams need big resources and is not afraid or ashamed to make, expand, and release money.

Refuses to hold back, shrink down, or play small any longer.

Will have, do and be all the things she desires. Period.

The Activated Alchemist is for the woman who is all of it.  Who wants all of it. Who is ready to take brave and bold action to create her biggest dreams into reality.

She was designed for this. Destined for it. 
I know it. 
She knows it. 

If you're ready to fully claim and embody all of that, to understand and accept yourself completely, step bravely with your intuition as your guide, and serve deeply while you make your unique impact, this is the program for you.




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Core Outcomes

1. Embodied and embracing all aspects of your femininity and truth as a woman.

2. Standing fully and proudly in your knowing and divinity, living the life that LIGHTS YOU UP!

3. OUT of stagnation and into ease as your truth is activated, living in alignment, with a deep and sacred bond with the universe.

4. You remember that your life is a gift and you live it fully, eager to share yourself with the world.

5. You understand and listen to the needs of your body, supporting it fully as it supports you, existing at a higher frequency and energy level than ever before.

6. Released the last pieces of shame and embarrassment around your past, your body, and your sexuality - shifting into a goddess who feels sexy, sexual, and sacred in her own skin.

7. You are done playing small, know your place, and stand empowered as the EPIC woman you are.

8. Your self-worth is undeniable and you are inspired daily by the life you are creating.

I'm inviting you to

say yes

to yourself and the life that you deserve and desire!

This 16 Week Journey Includes....


Week 1, 2, & 3: Mind Body Connection


Together we will discover what is truly available when we activate the expansiveness of the mind and in doing so, release any limitations from your mind, emotions, and physical form. â€‹


  • Energy Activation/Releasing Agreements Class (Value: $1,000)

  • Mind Body Connection Digital Course (Value: $2,000)

  • One 1.5 hr Live Integration Class (Value: $1,500)


Week 4 & 5: Your Sacred Temple


You will continue to awaken and adore your physical form. Learning how to deeply care for your vessel in a sacred way. Understanding the potency of being a woman in flow with life and honoring the cycles that flow within you. 


  • Your Sacred Temple Digital Course (Value: $1,500)

  • One 1 hr Live Ayurveda Course (Value: $1,000)

  • One 1.5 hr Live Integration Class (Value: $1,500)


Week 6, 7, 8 & 9: The Woman's Journey


Explore and open to a deeper understanding and acceptance of the multi facet expressions of being the divine feminine and how that shines through you uniquely as a woman today. 


  • The Woman's Journey Digital Course (Value: $2,222)

  • One 1.5 hr Live Integration Class (Value: $1,500)

  • One 30 Minute Live Activation Call (Value: $500)


Week 10 & 11: Sacred Sexuality


Together we will take a gentle approach to exploring and honoring this aspect of ourselves. Recognizing that healthy sexuality is our vitality, our wildness, our intuition, and our BIRTHRIGHT.  You will learn to awaken, cultivate, and understand more fully how these energies activate and integrate within yourself.


  • Sacred Sexuality Digital Course (Value: $1,500)

  • One 1 hr Live Integration Class (Value: $1,000)


Week 12 & 13: Souly Expressed & Guided


Intuition is the guide for your soul's path and expression. You are the messenger you have been waiting for.  You will learn to identify and listen to this gentle call within you.  Tapping in so you can learn what your spirit is saying. Awakening your soul's sacred calling to do what lights you up. 


  • Souly Expressed and Guided Digital Course (Value: $1,500)

  • One 1.5 hr Live Integration Class (Value: $1,500)


Week 14, 15 & 16: Living Brave & Bold


Free yourself from feeling shackled to the mundane mainstream approach to life and harness the power of your inner calm, radiate beauty, and expansive self.  Step fully into who you are and create the life you deserve.  No more playing small as you make the final shift into a woman who owns her voice and shares her message and vision with the world. 


  • Living Brave and Embodied Digital Course (Value: $2,000)

  • One 1.5 hr Live Integration Class (Value: $1,500)

Total Value: $21,722


  • Six Guided Meditations: Embody Your Divine Changes on all levels with a deep sense of connection and ease.

  1. Empowerment Affirmations 

  2. My Body is a Temple

  3. Archetype Embodiment

  4. Sacred Sexual Activation

  5. Intuition Awakening

  6. Brave and Bold 

Bonuses Total Value: $1,200​


Your Investment: $4,444
You Save $18,478!!

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  • Katie Kenya Balance ($396 x 3)

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    Valid for 3 months
  • 2 month

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    Option 1
    Valid for 2 months
  • 4 Months

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    Option 2
    Valid for 4 months
  • Final AA Payments

    Every month
    Valid for 3 months
  • Debbie Greece Balance (5 Months @ $440)

    Every month
    Valid for 5 months
  • Activated Alchemist- Annie

    Every month
    Valid for 3 months



“Transformational. That is how I would describe working with Courtney. I came to her ready for growth but not knowing where to start. The self growth I experienced affirmed the direction I was going. Since working with Courtney I have made HUGE moves in my life thanks to her empowerment.

I have stepped into my own power and am grateful every day. I continue to build my business successfully, I have walked away from relationships that don't serve my higher self and I practice unconditional self love daily. I show up because I want to make a positive impact in this world. I am so grateful for Courtney. I recommend her to anyone and everyone ready to make a positive impact in their lives!!"

- Courtney Lewallen
(Owner of Traverse Beyond)

“Courtney offers a transformative experience to delve into and strengthen the relationship and appreciation within and for ourselves as the unique and valuable beings that we each are. Courtney is an extremely special person with expansive knowledge, professionalism and experience. She truly wants to see every human achieve their highest version of self and is extremely well-equipped to aid you in your journey. She has the ability to really listen. To every single person. She creates a safe container, and puts her students first.

While working with Courtney my expectations were completely blown away. I felt that I was able to reconnect with the “real me”, the most authentic part of me (and literally connected face to face with my higher self!). This provided the clarity that I was seeking, along with deep healing, and a brighter outlook on life as a whole. I have made physical moves to take my life in a new direction -- one that I feel promises more freedom and a brighter, broader perspective on how I relate to everything I encounter in my day to day life.”

- Andrea Vanderbilt
(Owner of Teach Me To Grow)


“ Courtney is like a member of your family, because she is Soul Family. She naturally loves you without effort. It never felt forced like with other coaches and mentors. She is open to your input and always there to provide wisdom from her own experiences. She is both someone I look up to and that I can relate to right now. It felt amazing to experience such comfortability and connection with someone.

Courtney’s offerings are loving, inspiring and transforming. She combines her gentle nature with her innovative experiences to create space for loving change. There is no shame, no need to fault the past, only to be in the moment you are working with her. Show up, be present and listen to her teachings - that is how you will experience nurturing transformation and powerful shifts in consciousness.

Soulfully, I can surely say
Courtney’s encouragement of us to see ourselves as “God beings” has reshaped my world. Not only being a part of God but one with God has cleansed my soul.”

- Jill Kelly

“I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of me, I feel happy again. I love myself now, I believe in myself, I know that I am worth it. I can and will do what makes me happy. I feel more at peace with myself. I am confident in my decision making process because I feel I am more in touch with my higher power! I know that the choices I make will be what is best for me.

Courtney is a beautiful soul that really cares about everyone. She only wants you to full your greatest calling and is willing to help you in any way she can. I have only worked with a therapist which I feel didn’t get me anywhere. It’s hard to find a genuine, authentic, honest-to-goodness person who really cares about you!

Courtney gives you the tools to help you get in touch with yourself. She helps you reach your highest potential by guiding you through each powerful experience. Courtney is a genuine person and trusting her to guide you through your journey will be one of the best things you can do for yourself.”

- Ann Terrazas


““Before working with Courtney I was frustrated. I had a very in depth spiritual practice but was struggling to make sense of mastering this earthly dimension, grounding all of my manifestations into reality, and harnessing the power of the healing relationship with Mother Earth.

Now I allow myself more grace. Honoring feelings as they come, calling on support when needed, and knowing that I can return to living the embodiment of love at any time.

Courtney is such a special soul. She is truly living her life purpose guiding others to awaken and remember their own power and live their purpose to serve and make a positive impact on the world. She differs from other coaches I’ve worked with in the variety of ways she helps you integrate the lessons learned both during and after.

Courtney is so gifted at dropping into her expansive heart center and holding this space for her clients and community. Witnessing the power that this space has to transmute fears and alchemize pain and suffering into love is a gift in itself. Observing these shifts personally is truly transformational.

To quote Courtney “the moment something crosses your awareness it’s yours to address.”
If working with her has crossed your awareness, accept it as the sign from your soul, that she is the guide for you at this point in your journey and fall into trust once you make that decision forces beyond your wildest dreams will conspire to show you the way to make it happen.”

- Nikki Fielding

Ali O

Ali O

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Some Things To Know


​My personal life experience and level of expertises is rare and hard to find. This is an invitation to skip the thousands of hours it would take to be where I am. Together we can accelerate your spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional transformation. We will infuse your life with practical tools that bring your true self forth, in all your GLORY.  Embodying next level bravery as you speak your truth and harness the power of your past, releasing any last pieces of shame and judgement once and for all.  Learning to use vulnerability as your super-power.  


  • Certified in Chinese Medicine & Qi-Gong (in China), and Ayurveda & Yoga (in India)

  • Diploma in Meditation, Master Herbalism, and Mindfulness.

  • On the path of awakening for over 15 years, lived in multiple intentional spiritual communities, ashrams in India, and studied with gurus in the caves of the sacred mountain of Arunachala.

  • School teacher for 10 years, two bachelor's degrees, two minor's and in the final stage of a master's degree in teaching and education.

  • Developed and opened schools in refugee camps and small villages in Africa and China.

  • Is the leader and owner of a thriving company and movement: Wholesome Alchemy


I am different because not only am I a coach but a mentor, guide, healer, teacher, and student on this path. I am a master teacher & educator, embodying my truths, and I am here to serve. I will help you fall more deeply in love with yourself, your life, and respond to the longing of your soul to SERVE YOUR WORLD. We need you. All of you. No more half assed version. No more partial expression. No more limiting beliefs. It is time to wake up. It is time to become an Activated Alchemist of your life.


I am beyond excited to meet you and who you will become (aka unbecome).


The World


© 2023 by Wholesome Alchemy. All rights reserved.

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