What is
Wholesome Alchemy?
The circle. The completed whole. The whole of who we are, all connected, all one. When I think about being wholesome, it comes back to a feeling, to our natural energetic state of love. It is the raw undefined and ever moving energy within all of us and all things. It is not rigid, nor can it get stuck…
I have spent my whole life seeking and understanding how to bring myself into balance within and with all of life. Balance to live effortlessly and in flow with the universe and Spirit. Through the ups and downs, I allow myself to find the flow, to BE in flow. When we live inside a box, with straight lines and sharp edges, we can’t experience this.
I have come to understand that to live in flow, to live a wholesome life, is to live in our hearts. To lead from our hearts. Our heart is what powers us, it is the source of our vibration, the source of flow. When we can live in this space, we transcend time, and we redefine what love is…
Alchemy is the magical process of transformation. To alchemize is to alter the state of a molecule, or ourselves. For alchemy to fully take place, it needs a catalyst. Something that guides it along the path of transformation. We can do it alone, but with the help of a catalyst we can transcend time. We can transcend our transformation.
We do this through the connections we make with each other, the wisdom we gain, the vulnerability we share, and the courage we embody. We alchemize and become the greatest version of ourselves... We un-become, letting go of past versions and past beliefs. Understanding that every single version of ourself deserves love and grace. There is no judgement on this journey, only embracing all that we are and all that we have been so that we may truly become who we were born to be.